The Hidabroot NY Convention – Get Spiritually Charged Up !

    Enjoy a Shabbat Retreat, a Motzei Shabbat Mega Event and a Sunday of Inspiration for Women. Inspirational keynotes by world…

    ‘Torah-Live’ Brings Torah Study to Life

    For some people, failure is only the catalyst for far greater success.

    Watch: The Dangerous Game of Isis

    Crazy game of bloodthirsty Isis terrorists - Who will drive the car bomb?

    The Nun Who Learned About Keeping Shabbat

    What does a religious family do who discovers that their refrigerator is disconnected on Friday night? The Kisus family did…

    Pray For Your Children, Today!!

    The day before Rosh Chodesh Sivan is the most auspicious time to pray for the welfare of your children; do…

    German Court Rules No Jail for Muslim Synagogue Arsonists

    "Anti-Israelism" makes arson a permitted activity according to German judge.

    Ancient Astronomers

    It is incredible to discover that thousands of years ago, when most of the surrounding civilizations counted only some 4,000…

    Live Accapella: Baruch Levine, Rivie Schwebel & Shir V’shevach Boys Choir – Aneini/Tatte”

    "Aneini" Composed By: Baruch Levine. "Tatte" Composed By: Rabbi Menachem Davidowitz. English Lyrics: Ruchie Torgow. Recorded at: Studio W, Waterbury…

    Teachings of Rav Shneur Zalman of Liadi

    A disciple of the Mezritcher Maggid, the founder of Chabad Chassidus, and the author of Tanya.

    When Does Shabbat Begin if Sundown is 3 AM?

    In the summer Estonia has 10 minutes of night. When does Shabbat start? When does it end?
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