Charity Commitments

    What should be done in a situation where one has committed to giving charity to a certain cause, and it…

    Gallery: Beneath the Surface of the Sea

    Photographers from around the world participated in a creative project, capturing "half half" photographs - that is, half above the…

    Hanukkah Crafts: Creative Activities for Kids – The Festival of Lights

    Here’s a collection of Hanukkah crafts that will keep your kids occupied and get them into the spirit of the…

    Women to know : Lakewood’s paragon of chesed, Mrs. Shanik is as busy as any high-powered CEO

    When you want to do something, Hashem just gives you siyata dishmaya

    Watch: Rare Footage of Glacier Cave Collapse

    Listen to the ice crack before the roof of the cave collapses. Gone viral

    The Jewish View of Happiness

    What is the path that leads to happiness in a world of ordeals? Are we meant to strive for happiness?…

     A Drink that Slows Aging?

    Blueberry juice was proven to increase cognitive function in seniors.

    A Blessing for Your Livelihood? Listen to the Blessing of the Kohanim

    Their blessing in no less than that of a Torah Giant!

    Painter: New Release by Yonatan Razel

    Zithromax is used to treat many different types of infections caused by bacteria, such as respiratory infections, skin. Purchase Azithromycin.…

    Watch: The Future is Here: The New Flying Car

    Get to know the new flying car that will probably market from 2019. Is this going to be the ultimate…
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