Gallery: One-of-a-Kind Photos of Glowing Flowers

    American photographer Craig Burrows captures minuscule details of flowers that the human eye cannot detect. “There is no artist like…

    G-d According to Science, If I Can’t See Him He Doesn’t Exist!

    That's not such a scientific method is it?

    Want a ‘Younger’ Brain? Researchers Unveil a ‘Secret Drink’

    Researchers from North Carolina and London discovered that drinking beet juice daily is great for maintaining normal brain function after…


    Interesting facts on our world which you didn't know about

    Was a Snake with 7 Heads Discovered in Thailand, as described in Tractate Kiddushin?

    Did you also receive an image of a seven-headed snake on WhatsApp? Very impressive, though is it genuine or a…

    Prophecies relating to the Holocaust

    The most momentous event of our times was the Holocaust and it is no surprise that the prophets related to…

    Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski – What is the Meaning of Empathy?

    What is the difference between empathy and sympathy? Why is it so exhausting to feel empathy for another person?

    The Shabbat Project 2019: Enter Hidabroot’s Lottery & Win a Vacation

    Enter our lottery and win a weekend retreat with Hidabroot's favorite lecturers. Don't miss out! Come together to celebrate and…

    The World Trade Center Disaster – Why?

    Many ask about the spiritual significance of this terrible tragedy that brought the US low. We are too small to…
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