Rabbi Yitzchak Kadoori

    He knew the Ben Ish Chai, was called a prodigy at the age of 17, and smoked to rectify souls.…

    Mystery: Rock-Eating Worm Discovered – Is it the Shamir Worm from the Holy Temple?

    Researchers have discovered a new type of shipworm in the Philippines that eats rock through burrowing. There are those that…

    Survival Tips for a Heat Wave

    Fan or air-conditioner, how much water should I drink? Ministry of health instructions

    First World-Wide Tisha B’Av Marathon to Be Screened This Year

    Do you find it difficult to connect to the mourning over a Temple that was destroyed 2000 years ago? Do…

    Dehydration: Why Does It Happen?

    10 facts about dehydration to beware of during these hot days

    “Bnei Anousim” Returning To Their Faith Around The Globe

    With the help of Shavei Yisrael, an organization founded to help lost Jews return to their people and faith, numerous…

    10 Foods You Can Eat Freely (Almost)

    They’re all rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and low in calories

    Genetics and our sages – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Did You Know, That recently discovered Laws of Genetics were Known and Practiced Thousands of Years ago by our Sages?

    The Effect of Music on the Brain and Mind

    Music can bring a person to feel such exaltation and inner joy that he spontaneously breaks out in dance. Kabbalists…
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