Shabat Hagadol
"Por que vocês estão pegando o cordeiro?" O povo de Israel respondia: " para sacrificá-lo no sacrifício de Pessach conforme…
New study: Excessive Use of Social Media Causes Loneliness
Can social media help people dispel their loneliness? A new study shows that not only is social media not the…
Watch: Ariel View of Masada – Magical
Breathtaking drone footage of Masada, Israel. Masada was the last stronghold held by the Jewish Zealots who refused to submit…
The Status of a Woman According to Kabbalah
According to Kabbalah, the woman corresponds to the tenth Sphere – the Sphere of Malchut (royalty). She receives from the…
“Bnei Anousim” Returning To Their Faith Around The Globe
With the help of Shavei Yisrael, an organization founded to help lost Jews return to their people and faith, numerous…
Watch: A Synagogue on Wheels
Hundreds stood watching in astonishment at the "rolling synagogue". The 142 year old Adass Yisroel synagogue in Washington was transferred…
Wonders of Creation: Fascinating Sea Creature – Watch
This deep sea creature will amaze you. “There is no artist like our G-d” (Rashi: Shmuel I - Chapter 2:2)
Pourquoi le risque de mort subite du nourrisson augmente lorsqu’il se trouve chez la nourrice ?
Look out for Others!
That’s the secret of success even if you’re having a hard time yourself!
Have You Ever Seen a Flying Peacock? Watch
Watch stunning peacock flight in slow motion