10 Facts About the Tablets

    Our sages have revealed to us that the tablets were made of Sapphire and would have weighed a half a…

    Holocaust Mass Grave Unearthed in Belarus

    The blood of 1,214 souls cries out. Do we not hear their voices?

    The Positive and Negative Aspects of the Colors

    Every color represents a good and effective root, provided that the person does not use it in a negative way

    Teachings of Rav Elimelech of Lizhensk

    Also known as “the Holy Rebbe Reb Meilech” and “the Rebbe of all Rebbes” and the author of “Noam Elimelech.”

    Join Rabbi Shafier for a Live Pre Yom Kippur Webinar – Monday, Oct. 10th 8:00pm Est

    Are you tired of coming into Yom Kippur feeling like you are playing "catch up"? By the time you get…

    What Does Crawling Do for a Baby?

    It helps muscle and motor development but what about all the microorganisms inhaled?

    Mrs. A., a Mother of 8 Was on Her Way to An Abortion.

    Today she doesn't stop thanking the Creator for giving her a sweet son from a miracle pregnancy.  

    The Status of a Woman in Judaism – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Even from the time that they are born, a male and a female differ from each other.

    Nothing Like The Present

    Amalek tries to discourage us with talk of inevitable failure

    Judaism Today- Jews Are Dissapearing; What Can We Do About It?

    Statistics show that a few generations down the line the number of Jews (reform, conservative etc.)remaining is dwindling. Only Orthodox…
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