A Group of 15 Year Old Girls Sew Blankets for Preemies in Neo-Natal Ward
They lovingly thought of others battling for their babies’ lives instead of shooting ‘selfies’ all day
Gad Elbaz & The Holocaust Survivor Band – Let the Light Shine On
Emotional song about Jewish Survival
Watch: Wolf Chases a Mountain Gazelle – Breathtaking
Last weekend, in the Judean Desert cliffs: The Israel Nature and National Parks Protection Authority has documented a fascinating pursuit…
Carlebach Shabbos Medley – Avrumy Straus
Watch Carlebach Shabbos Medley - Chassidish Style
Watch: Pilot Tries Drinking Water while Flying Upside-Down
A fighter jet pilot puts gravity to the test and attempts drinking a cup of water while flying upside down.…
G-d is Always There to Catch You
G-d is the place of the world and brings stability to our lives when things are down
Eli Beer: Ve’yiyu Rachamecho – Music Video
Eli joins with the world renowned Freilach Band and the extremely talented Zemiros Choir for Ve'yiyu Rachamecho. The lyrics are…
Elisheva Perlman: Inspires Thousands of Jewish Women Across the Globe
Elisheva Perlman is the perfect example of someone taking the talents that G-d has given her and uses them to…
10 Facts About Shatnez – Mixture of Wool and Linen
What is the reason for the prohibition of Shatnez? What is the source of the name? What is the obstacle…
On Good Authority
The butcher