The World Was Created for Me
A person who is interested in developing his character must undertake the great spiritual task of recognizing his self-worth
How to Live Up to Your Dreams
Can I attain my dreams? Is there anything holding me back?
Shifra – Yocheved
According to tradition, Yocheved is buried in the 'Tomb of the Mothers' in Tiberias, along with Zipporah, Moses' wife; Elisheva…
Iranians Find Fire & Water after Desperate Search for Drinking Water
In light of Iran's enormous water shortage, Kurdish-Iranians began to dig in a desperate search for water - what emerged…
The Baal Hatanya’s Yohrzeit
10 facts about the Baal Hatanya in honor of his Yohrzeit, today
Under Cover of Night
Undeterred by the danger, a young girl risked her life for the sake of others
Watch: Original Sweater Goes Viral
A unique sweater with a menorah and flashing lights. Is it real? It is not clear how this is possible,…
The Gad Elbaz Version of Hava Nagila
“When you feelin low There’s a place to go Come and dance with me” – The Gad Elbaz version of…
Even If We Don’t Understand
We have a relationship with G-d and a relationship means trust
How Israel Protects Its Bee Population From Colony Collapse
While bee colonies are dropping precipitously around the world, their number remains steady in Israel.