How Can I Connect with G-d?
This connection is the next step in developing faith and trust in G-d
Striving for Excellence
Marriage is not a relationship in which we simply learn how to peacefully coexist. The Torah’s expectations of the marriage…
A Million Reasons to Join the Shabbos Project
Looking for a reason to join the Shabbos Project? How about a million!
Who Needs the Satan? Why Did G-d Make Him? (Part 4)
The affliction or reward a person suffers is created from his deeds the Satan is a manifestation of the bad…
Vous avez du mal à vous endormir la nuit ? Vous ne croirez jamais quelle en est la cause !
Une étude récente a découvert que travailler devant un écran d’ordinateur dans la soirée, a des répercussions sur la qualité…
Candle-Lighting Times: December 8, 2018 | Kislev 29, 5779 – Parshat Mikeitz
Shabbat Times for Major Cities Around the World: Shabbat Chanukah - December 8, 2018 | Kislev 29, 5779 - Parshat…
10 Facts about Rabbi Chaim Vital in Honor of His Yohrzeit
Today, the 30th of Nisan is Rabbi Chaim Vital’s Yohrzeit, the preeminent student of The Ari and his Kabbalistic teachings
Watch: Jewish Dentist’s Unique way of Treating Kids
Dr. Eyal Simchi of New Jersey is not just a regular dentist. He only treats children with special needs -…
Soul Key Choir Pays Tribute to Avraham Fried – Watch
In honour of Avraham Fried's 40th year on the stage, the Soul Key A Cappella group - who also happen…
Light for the Soul
A person who strives to improve his character traits and achieve a sterling character is often confused regarding the best…