
    Thanks for publishing such an insightful and entertaining weekly magazine. I really enjoy reading it. Your series “Girl on a…

    Huge Explosion at a Military Warehouse in Russia – Watch

    Russia’s Defense Ministry said a fire triggered the explosions at a storage facility for gunpowder near the city of Achinsk…

    Why We Shouldn’t Celebrate ‘Marriage Equality’

    The decision of the US Supreme Court that same-sex couples are entitled to marry is no cause for celebration

    Hidabroot Convention – Sept.8-10

    Come relax for three days in a five star hotel, the magnificent Crown Plaza in Stamford CT. Enjoy a holiday…

    A Housing Shortage Solution; How About Printing Your Next Home?

    American researchers developed a new 3D printing system that can print the basic structure of a building of any type…

    Building a Positivity Portfolio

    Create a portfolio of good feelings you experienced or things you liked

    Watch: Skydive from Mountaintop into Moving Plane

    Jumping from an airplane to the ground is a relatively simple and familiar procedure, thoug how do you jump from…

    The 7th of Adar: A Day That Will Bring the Redemption?

    Who will redeem us and how can we expedite the redemption? 9 facts about the 7th of Adar the day…

    Watch an Emotional Video of Israeli Soldiers Praying at Army Base

    "Hi, I am a reservist in the IDF's training ground south of the country. I filmed this video in the…

    The Day from Which the Fetus is considered a Person

    Scientists Discover: “We do not know much about the development of the brain of the fetus… until about the fortieth…
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