Watch: Painting Beach-Art in Fast Motion
Is there such a thing called 'beach painting art'? Some people do it not only as a hobby, but also…
Slovie Wolff: The Torah’s Guidance Applies to Everyone
We break self-centeredness, by learning to sweat for another person
The Effect of Colors on the Human Psyche – Rabbi Zamir Cohen
What color are you particularly drawn to? What does that imply about you? Why is green the color of the…
No Contact Rules – It’s Just Too Hard
Life is full of instances in which you have to delay gratification — and yes, it’s hard. But if you…
Abortion – Unnecessary!
You ask yourself: What's going on here? On the one hand people make a huge effort to bring another child…
CHAZAQ’s Historic Life Changing Campaign is LIVE!!
Let’s get together and help CHAZAQ continue changing the lives of our community from A to Z
Standing Up to the Challenge
In this short clip, Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser reveals to us how we can find our true purpose in life
WeWork Owner, Billionaire Adam Neumann: “I Keep Shabbat”
“We disconnect at that time but we’re really connecting”
YAHRTZEIT (15 Cheshvan): 10 Quotes from the Chazon Ish
What is the purpose of a Jew who keeps the mitzvos? What is the most basic thing necessary to perfect…
No Child Should be Left Behind
"Without a Jewish education, intermarriage is the best that can happen! It's all downhill from there