My Very First Prayer Book
The moment in which I received my first Siddur, was special and exciting. Now that my son is about to…
From Martial Arts to Chasidut: The Story of Dror Pirus
Dror Pirus wanted to improve his knowledge of natural forms of healing, but in the end he found the natural…
I Saw My Dead Relative in a Dream- What Does it Mean?
Is it a good thing or not? I’d like to know
Ultra-Orthodox Jews (Chareidim), Fanatic Religious Jews and Neturei Karta
Are Chareidim (Ultra-Orthodox Jews) who throw stones on cars on Shabbat authentic chareidim? Is it good to be an extremist?…
Watch: A Two-Headed Tortoise Spotted in a Field of Flowers
Watch this sweet, two-headed turtle, as it eats away in a field full of flowers
Watch: Looks Like this Truck is Pushing it a Little Too Far
Know your limitations; make sure to draw the line before it’s too late! Gone viral
Am I Sleeping Enough?
Is there a recommended amount of sleep that could engender tranquility, clarity of mind and the easy absorption, comprehension and…
Watch: Glowing Beach in Maldives
Wonders of Creation: A natural phenomenon turns the night-time ocean in Maldives into a field of glowing stars. As waves…
VIP Service
When a high school teacher from Baltimore travels to Israel, the VIP service he gets is much more than expected.
The Power of a Whisper
Though G-d appears far beyond our reach, beyond this world and beyond all galaxies, in the highest heavenly realm lies…