Anti-Semitism: German Streets are Dangerous for Jews

    Anti-Semitism is on the rise in Germany

    Watch Rare Footage from NASA: Snowy Deserts

    Snow in the desert? That's right. It's rare, though not impossible. Watch a fascinating documentation from NASA, showing different deserts…

    Where is G-d?

    If G-d is everything, how can there be place for man? And, if G-d does make place for man, how…

    Wonders of Creation: Utopia of Waterfalls

    These falls will not leave you with many choices but to enjoy their magical beauty, and thank G-d more intensely…

    Eliezer – Escaping the Curse of Cham

    Eliezer was destined to serve the nations of Shem and Yefes. How did Eliezer free himself from this curse?

    How Often should you Compliment your Wife?

    You will be surprised to find out how ‘compliments’ will refresh and revitalize your marriage

    Research Proves the Immortality of the Soul

    In the past few decades, scientific research has also proven to disbelievers that man’s “I” is his spiritual essence —…

    Commandments – Actions of the Spirit

    The absolute uniqueness of Judaism is not its God-consciousness; it is the teaching that the body can be drawn up…

    Light at the End of the Tunnel

    "Above me was the brightest light I've ever seen. Then came this being and wordlessly motioned for me to look…

    The Impact of Silence on the Human Body

    Our Sages tell us that silence protects human wisdom, and is the healthiest pill to swallow
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