Did the Ancient Hebrews have X-Ray Vision?

    According to the Talmud, the Cloud of Glory emitted a type of light that allowed them to see through opaque…

    Modesty and My Near Death Experience – Rivka Malka Perlman

    Everything we do, we can do it with joy. Hashem Loves You!

    The Magic of Shabbat – A Signal from Heaven

    A powerful story about standing up for what is right! Another classic from Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser

    A Spa for Babies?

    Who doesn’t like a warm bath and rubdown with oil? At “Perth Baby Spa” in Australia babies up to a…

    It Depends How You Look At It

    We can choose how we see our spouse’s character traits

    O SHABAT – Visitando o “Palácio do Rei” – 2

    O SHABAT - Parte 2: "Obra" e "Trabalho", “Melachá” e “Avodá” 

    Should One Eat Bread For Melave Malka?

    Question: Is one obligated to eat bread on Motza’ei Shabbat for the fourth Shabbat meal which is also referred to…

    The Big Elul Event: Five Towns / Far Rockaway

    Get inspired before Rosh Hashana

    G-d Please Open my Lips

    If you were ever dumbstruck from seeing someone famous you'll know what this means
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