Who Needs the Satan? Why Did G-d Make Him? (Part 4)

    The affliction or reward a person suffers is created from his deeds the Satan is a manifestation of the bad…

    Near Death Experience in the Talmud

    The Talmud states; for three days after burial, it is still possible for a person to return to life! What…

    What did Rabbi Kanievsky Answer when Asked when the Messiah would Come?

    Two Jews from the United States came to the home of the Great Torah Sage Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, presenting themselves…

    Watch: Peaceful Shabbos Preparations – Challah & Pepper Chicken

    Don’t you want your Shabbos preparations to be calm, peaceful and enjoyable? Enhance your Shabbos preparations with Rivka Malka Perlman

    What Does ‘Shema Yisrael’ Mean? Why is it so Central in Judaism?

    7 facts about Shema Yisrael a basic concept of Judaism

    Vayechi All Wrapped Up: Blessing our Children

    Why bless our children to be like Ephraim and Menashe more than any of the other tribes?

    Recette Pour Pourim : Oreilles d’Haman particulièrement riches.

    Appréciez cette recette qui apparait standard mais au gout riche et délicieux.  

    News That’s Worth Its Salt

    Salt of the Earth, Israel's main salt manufacturer, is looking to revolutionize the way the world consumes salt.

    Watch: King of Morocco Receives Blessings in Local Synagogue

    The Moroccan king himself inaugurated the ancient synagogue which was reopened courtesy of the King. The rare event received live…

    Watch: Best ‘Hava Nagila’ Performance Ever

    This version of the legendary Jewish song ‘Hava Nagilah’ will surely get you dancing. Enjoy
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