Scarlett Johansson Found Her Roots and Couldn’t Stop Crying
Her Grandfather’s whole family was wiped out in the Warsaw Ghetto
The Numbers Prove: There is a Creator
Is it true that the size of earth & the fact that it is round can be scientifically proved from…
World Trade Center 8 Year Time-Lapse Movie
For the 17th anniversary of September 11, EarthCam is sharing its new 8-year time-lapse movie of 3 World Trade Center.…
“Every Day I Cried to G-d: Get Me Away from My Violent Husband”
“I thought this Arab was the most wonderful person in the world, but after I moved to his village, life…
This time it will be different
What’s in a meatball, anyway?
Light at the End of the Tunnel
"Above me was the brightest light I've ever seen. Then came this being and wordlessly motioned for me to look…
Halachot de Shabat
Uma casa, ou qualquer lugar, no qual está instalada uma câmera de circuito fechado, será que é permitido entrara neste…
‘A Second Chance’ – By Rabbi Yoel Gold featuring Baruch Levine & Shimi Weitzhandler
G-d believes in our ability to become great and therefore gives us a second chance. Embrace the opportunity this Rosh…
Judge People Favorably
Rabbi Goldwasser shares a story that conveys the importance of judging others favorably
Abraham Chooses Kindness – What it Means to be Spiritual
“The importance of being hospitable to a bunch of heathen idolaters is greater than receiving the presence of God Himself”