The Ultimate Goal of Successful Education – Rabbi Zamir Cohen
The measure of success in education is how the child behaves when he is not with his parents and teachers…
If a shidduch is bashert
Rav Yehudah Halevi, the author of the Kuzari, was a very wealthy man. He had only one daughter, who had…
A Simple Blood Test Will Help Treat Depression?
University of Texas Southwestern Researchers have recently developed a simple blood test which will be a major breakthrough in treatment…
As I was dancing in a night club, my Tzitzit was peeking through and made me extremely confused !
Haim started getting closer to Judaism. He was confident no one could answer his questions and cause him to become…
Teachings of Rav Mordechai of Chernobyl
Also known as the Chernobler Maggid, the son and successor of Rav Menachem Nachum and the author of “Likutei Torah.”
The Jewish Home: A Place of Comfort – R. Yemima Mizrachi
Our homes must be places of comfort. We lock the doors. We lock the windows. Life has become so frightening.…
What Will the World Look Like During the Messianic Era?
In our liturgy and Grace over Meals, we mention many times the phrase "messianic era": "May it be His Will……
Tips for a Good Relationship with Your Teenager
Who doesn’t want some more guidance for dealing with troublesome teens?
A Druze Woman Who Converted to Judaism: I am a Jew, I am the Daughter of a King
S., a young Druze woman who officially joined the Jewish people, admits: "Judaism is the true religion. I converted, I…
VIP Service
When a high school teacher from Baltimore travels to Israel, the VIP service he gets is much more than expected.