Give And Let Give

    He insisted on paying the entire amount, wanting the whole mitzvah for himself

    Watch: Lioness Protects Wildebeest Calf from Predators

    A lioness hunts down a wondering wildebeest calf, and then displays unusual tameness and kindness. Must see

    Shwekey’s Brand New Double-Album!

    Yaakov Shwekey brings us nostalgic tunes in a way only he can.

    Never Give Up!

    If You keep on trying G-d will give you strength you didn't know you had

    Hidabroot World Tour Summer 2017

    Warm up your Judaism this summer with world renowned speakers in your own home

    Did You Know that Dogs Can Predict Seizures?

    Can Astronauts cry? How often does lightning strike earth? 10 Interesting facts, you probably didn't know

    The Formation of Twins

    Can recent discoveries in this field be considered “new” if knowledge about it has already existed for thousands of years?

    Back to American Slavery After Passover

    Can we overcome comfort and complacency to seek out the truth?

    The Power of a Woman’s Prayer

    She can move heaven and earth
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