Higher Intelligence

    What you don't know shouldn't make you uncomfortable. You can ascribe it to The Higher Intelligence.

    Sefardi Party – Avi Peretz & The Freilach Band

    Feel the Magic as Avi and The Freilach Band perform some of the most popular Israeli and Sefardi songs

    Torah and Science Aren’t Contradictions

    Must all lawyers and legal experts study science to prevent contradicting it? So why say that about Torah?

    Lecha Dodi: A Capella Style by Six13

    Welcome the Shabbat with Lecha Dodi. No instruments used, only human voice. Sensational

    Hilchot Shabat

    Uma panela que está sobre a plata de Shabat, e o molho evaporou. O que é permitido fazer no Shabat,…

    Kindness Creates Salvation

    When you’re kind to someone you may be saving yourself

    Eliezer – Escaping the Curse of Cham

    Eliezer was destined to serve the nations of Shem and Yefes. How did Eliezer free himself from this curse?

    The Hero’s Moment

    You can be a hero, too

    New Release: Ishay Ribo & Motty Steinmetz – Nafshi

    Unique duet between two very similar and different worlds; Yishai Ribo and Moti Steinmetz. Lyrics: “Nafshi chamda b‘tzel yadecha lada'at…

    The Dangers of Internet Addiction

    Internet is a very dangerous thing! It broke many barriers and brought harm to many people and their families. Rabbi…
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