Life Is Short; You Need to be Happy Every Moment of It

    Chagit Navi Ambar lost her son but now she takes care of G-d’s children, the teens that are struggling

    Witness the Power of Creation: Incredible Footage of Rainstorms

    Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of G-d's creation. Wonders of Creation

    Which is Harder to Accept upon Yourself, Keeping Shabbat or Covering your Hair?

    You’d think that Shabbat is much harder… or would you?

    Why Does Judaism Forbid Tattoos?

    If I have a tattoo, can I be buried in a Jewish cemetery? Why does the Torah prohibit tattoos? Rabbi…

    The trip

    A privilege to go, mixed emotions upon my return

    Dear Mother, Believe in the Child Hashem Gave You

    The following moving letter from Iris Yifrach, written on the day her son Eyal’s body was found

    Watch: Ari Goldwag – Yerushalayim – A Cappella

    Ari Goldwag sings an A Cappella version of the song "Yerushalayim," whose full-music version appears on the album "Lo Nafsik…
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