Meal Replacements: Do Those Bars and Shakes Really Work?
When you're looking to lose weight, a grab-and-go French vanilla bottled shake or mint-chocolate chip bar may seem like a…
Watch more Wonders of Creation: Leaf or Insect?
Watch this amazing video that will awaken feelings of gratitude to G-d for His wondrous creation. Gone viral
Ivanka Makes Shabbat
She says: "Judaism, creates an amazing blueprint for family connectivity."
What is the True Meaning of Modesty? Watch
What does it mean to be modest according to Judaism? Rabbi Burg elaborates. Brought to you by the Drops of…
Repentance for Slander and Gossip
How should one repent for speaking slander or gossip about a fellow Jew?
Watch: Even Monkeys Enjoy Eating Matzah
Two weeks before Passover the monkeys at the Ramat Gan Zoo in Israel change over to eating matzah instead of…
Hashem Doesn’t Owe You Children
But if you go above and beyond your obligations, G-d will go above and beyond His
The Weight of Air – in the Talmud
The weight of the air pressing down upon our bodies every second is about 10 tons. Torah Sages living 2,000…
Desert Fox Hunts A Lesser Jerboa – Wonders of the Wild
Can the desert mouse outrun the fox? Watch more fascinating Wonders of Creation
Pokemon Will Lead you to the Beit Midrash
A short video encouraging the study of Torah precisely through ... "Pokemon Go". Watch video gone viral