Benny Friedman – “Inspiring The World With Music”

    Meir Kay hosts Benny Friedman on his new podcast "The Great Day Podcast". How did Benny Friedman's career begin? What…

    Why Doesn’t the Torah Command Me to be a Vegetarian?

    Isn’t it cruel to eat animals? Or is it? Can kindness to animals make me cruel to people?

    From Shimon and Levi to Pinchas and Zimri

    The two Tribes most closely associated with each other are Shimon and Levi. Many years later, their descendants meet again

    Kindness on a Plane Flight

    Israeli men calm a mother flying with her baby.

    Lev Nishbar: Beri Weber – New Release

    Le cerveau n’est donc plus oxygéné. C’est un infarctus cérébral. Une angine de poitrine est une douleur thoracique causée par…

    2,000-Year-Old Inscription from Second Temple Period Discovered

    The earliest stone inscription bearing the full spelling of the Hebrew word for Jerusalem was unveiled on Tuesday at the…

    Yes, Elephants Also Know How to Swim

    Anyone who thought elephants only go in dry places, this video will surprise him. Watch an elephant swimming in deep…

    Research Proves the Immortality of the Soul

    In the past few decades, scientific research has also proven to disbelievers that man’s “I” is his spiritual essence —…

    “Everyone Deserves A Chance To Improve”- The Work Of A College Rabbi at Hermon Prison

    At the Hermon rehabilitative correctional facility, the goal is to give the prisoners their life back again. The prisoners in…

    Hagar – Responding to Difficulty

    Why did Sara afflict Hagar? What do we learn from the way Hagar responded to Sara's affliction?
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