Watch: Steps to Cure your Husband’s Lack of Appreciation
Why is appreciation such an important feature in marriage? Host of ‘The Ladies Talk Show’ Leah Richeimer, explains how to…
Special Child’s Mom: “G-d Guides Every Step I Take”
Mushkie Landau, the mother of a special needs child discusses how her faith helps her parenting.
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Rabbi Daniel Glastein Live from Chazaq Event Brooklyn NY
Simcha Leiner: Stand Up For Each Other – Official Music Video
Simcha Leiner is proud to present “Life’s better when your with your brother” a song celebrating the power that each…
Lech Lecha – Jewels Along The Way
Which of Abraham’s challenges was harder—the first or the last? R. Yemima Mizrachi with remarkable lessons for life based on…
Bacteria and Infections 2000 Years Ago; Common Knowledge
Rabbi Eliezer the Great, who lived some 2,000 years ago, was well aware of the fact that illness can be…
Skin Patch May Reduce Peanut Allergy
Half of those treated with the Viaskin Peanut patch for one year were able to consumer at least 10 times…
You Have to See the Whole Elephant
Learning Torah gives you a view of reality that begins far beyond the mask of time and space
Watch an Emotional Video of Israeli Soldiers Praying at Army Base
"Hi, I am a reservist in the IDF's training ground south of the country. I filmed this video in the…
It’s Extremely Difficult to Break Up an Intermarriage
Mostly, by the time we intervene it’s too late