Shidduch saga
A williamsburg tale
Karaites and Samaritans — are Not Part of the Jewish People
The Karaites and Samaritans have not been part of the Jewish People for generations. Daniel Balas reveals the truth about…
Shabbat – The Seventh Dimension: The Spiritual Within the Physical
One of the most cherished mitzvot in the Torah that seems to have a restrictive component is Shabbat. However, a…
Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi Live in New York
Prepare for the Heat of The Winter and join Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi live in New York
How Do We Deal With the Challenges of Our Generation?
The confusion is overwhelming and the trials are so great it seems that everything is coming apart
Yossi Green English Medley – Benny Friedman, The Shira Choir & The A Team
The A Team is proud to present to you the ultimate Fried Fan Favorite. Featuring his nephew superstar Benny Friedman…
New Release: Nissim Black – Mercy
Written and produced by Nissim Black. Enjoy
How do Birds Fly? Watch a Remarkable Scientific Explanation
How do birds use their wings to fly? Get a glimpse of the wonders and beauty of Creation. “There is…
Underwater Tablet Dates Back to Bar Kochba Revolt
The stone slab, dating to the second century, was found underwater at Tel Dor, south of the city of Haifa.
Charlie Harary on “Unlocking Greatness”
Charlie Harary launches his new book "Unlocking Greatness" - An unexpected journey from the life you have to the life…