Learn the Power of Unity from Budgies

    As a Group they are much more effective in all they do

    What Will You Do for the Future of the Jewish People?

    Yes you!! Your decision about this can be life changing for yourself and all of our Nation

    Gorgeous Butterfly Camouflaged as a Leaf – Wonders of Creation

    It looks like an innocent butterfly until it reveals its true colors. Must see

    Sarah’s Greatness

    In this essay we will examine how Sarah personified the attribute of strict judgement and how it was a significant…

    Judah Maccabee

    Mattisyahu the Hasmonean decides to raise the banner of revolt. A year later, before his death, he passes the leadership…

    Watch – Baby Chimpanzee Taking a Bath

    Your browser doesn’t support video. Please download the file: video/mp4 Si votre organisme échoue et votre érection ne se produit…

    Watch: This Bear’s Best Friend

    Surprising special relationship formed between domesticated dogs and polar bears

    Security Forces Put a Mezuzah at the Entrance of an Hezbollah Tunnel – Watch

    A tunnel dug for years by Hezbollah was recently discovered by the mercy of G-d. The tunnel reaches a depth…

    The Water Above the Heavens

    Today, we know that all the water on Earth is just a single drop in the ocean, when compared with…

    Nutrition: An Egg a Day?

    You heard of an apple a day keeping the doctor away but an egg a day?
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