Ten Facts about the Book of Psalms-Tehillim

    What is the meaning of the name of the Book of Psalms? How many people composed the hymns in the…

    Comments and Commentary from Facebook and the Web

    Comments and wisdom from around the web.

    See more Wonders of Creation – A Bird Changing Color

    The Anna's Hummingbird has the unique ability to change color. These hummingbirds can shake their bodies 55 times per second…

    Gallery: Beneath the Surface of the Sea

    Photographers from around the world participated in a creative project, capturing "half half" photographs - that is, half above the…

    Listen to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Zt”l Sing in his Youth

    Rare video of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, of blessed memory, singing with his amazing voice

    10 facts on Maimonides (the Rambam)

    Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon was considered one of the greatest codifiers of Jewish law throughout the ages. Why is he…

    Praise G-d with Every Breath

    People like Finlay could die if they stop breathing just from concentrating too much during a TV show

    Six13 – Gam Ki Elech

    Six13 A Cappella presents 'Gam Ki Elech'. On Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), our people mourns millions whose lives were…

    The Soul of Your Debtor is In the Donkey

    "Know that in this donkey was the soul of your deceased debtor, and now that you have forgiven the debt,…

    17 Year Old Invents User Friendly Word Searches for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Patients

    86 year old Mary Frates could no longer do word searches until her grandson came to the rescue
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