“The Rabbi Saved Me from Going on The Titanic!”

    “He told me: Send regards to the American G-d. But I asked, isn’t he the same G-d here?”

    A permanent mud puddle

    His doorstep was graced by a perpetual pool of mud

    Q&A: Laws of Chol Hamoed

    Are we allowed to do everything like we would on weekdays, or do we have certain prohibitions similar to those…

    Tehilla Mark: “Our Father Always Said That Every Bullet Has Its Address”

    “It’s hard, it’s painful, and we’re trying not to break. We get up and fall, cry and dry our tears”

    Yitzchak and Esav – Using and Abusing Power

    How could a man as great as Yitzchak have believed Esav was virtuous and more fitting to receive the blessings…

    10 Facts About Yehudah the Maccabee

    One of the greatest warriors in Jewish history

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Faith vs Fear – Charlie Harary

      Assurez-vous à l’occasion des premières prises que vous supportez bien ce médicament avant de conduire ou d’utiliser une machine.…

    Yosef – The Fourth Forefather

    While Yosef was one of the twelve tribes, he also seems to play a more significant role than his brothers…

    Resurrection and The Messiah – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Will Jews from previous generations take part in the era of The Final Redemption? Is the Revival of the Dead…

    Bamidbar/ Shavuot:  Of Flowers and Weeks

    We became a nation in the desert and we had failures in the desert but we sprouted fourth
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