Wait, Did I Lock the Door? Maybe Not, I Better Check!

    Uncertainty and feeling loss of control can lead to OCD

    Doug Dietz Made Children’s MRI Scans Something They Enjoy Instead of Fearing

    The mechanical designer saw the MRI machine through the eyes of a child and changed the whole experience

    The Re-establishment of Israel: A Modern Miracle – Watch

    The re-establishment of Israel is an unprecedented event in world history. Historian & Author Ken Spiro explains. Brought to you…

    Wonders of Creation: How Does a Snake Shed its Skin?

    Watch how a snake sheds its skin in front of the camera. Remarkable

    Dating – The Hand of Hashem

    One should never be demoralized, discouraged or disheartened in the process of seeking a shidduch. The outcome is directed by…

    Desert Fox Hunts A Lesser Jerboa – Wonders of the Wild

    Can the desert mouse outrun the fox? Watch more fascinating Wonders of Creation

    Kobi Peretz & Yaakov Shwekey: ‘Veafilu Behastara’

    G-d stands with us even during difficult times when things are hidden

    The Gardener’s Tale – A Message for Husband’s

    A husband who remembers to compliment and praise his wife is actually doing a big mitzvah. Not only is he…

    Gallery: Creative Ideas for Decorating your Passover Table

    This Passover you can experience the Holiday and its significance in a slightly more creative way: Here are some original…

    The Ultimate Goal of Successful Education – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    The measure of success in education is how the child behaves when he is not with his parents and teachers…
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