A Triple Crop in the Sixth Year(!) – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    The Torah contains explicit prophecies regarding the Shmita (sabbatical year). It is amazing to see how accurately these prophecies have…

    Anti-Semitism: German Streets are Dangerous for Jews

    Anti-Semitism is on the rise in Germany

    Parenting: The Case for Children

    Why should I have children

    For the First Time in Decades: Stone Falls from the Western Wall

    This morning a huge stone detached from the Western Wall - miraculously, there were no casualties. A woman stood there,…

    Women to know: Spiritual kickstart with Rivka Malka Perlman

    My mission is to take someone by the hand and show her the beauty of judaism

    Watch: What is Wrong with Intermarriage?

    Why is intermarriage such a serious problem? Rabbi Menachem Levine discusses the causes and effects of intermarriage in a panel…

    The Fetus Sees and Feels – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    The Sages had an oral tradition that a fetus has a special sense and knowledge of the world around it.…

    Watch Official Music Video – ‘Father Don’t Cry’ by Avraham Fried

    This tremendously emotional song based on a statement of our Sages: "When G-d remembers His children who suffer in exile,…

    Opening Tin Cans and Packages on Shabbat

    Is it Permissible to open tin cans, boxes and packages on Shabbos, in order to get the food inside them?
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