Wonders of Creation: Awesome Pictures of Frozen Water in Croatia

    A Hungarian photographer Tamas Toth displays a breathtaking gallery of frozen water in the national park of Croatia. "I discovered…

    How to Open a Pomegranate the Easy Way

    Are you getting your pomegranates ready for Rosh Hashanah? Learn how to open pomegranates fast and easy without making a…

    New Release: Nissim Black – Mercy

    Written and produced by Nissim Black. Enjoy

    Watch: Ari Goldwag (1992 & 2018): Mehera – Miami Boys Choir

    See Ari Goldwag sing Mehera in 1992 in the Miami Boys Choir and again in 2018

    Connections: Before and After – Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller

    Your soul is the light that gives you vision that takes you far beyond the confines that your body imposes

    I’m Good With G-d without His Commandments !

    Speaking to G-d is a wonderful thing but make sure to take out your earplugs so you can hear what…

    Nicholas Winton – The Man who Saved Hundreds of Jews from the Holocaust

    Watch the inspiring true story of how Sir Nicholas Winton saved 669 Jewish children from the Nazi’s. “I work on…

    Judaism – The Basis for all Religions

    Various monotheistic religions took the idea of belief in one God, and spread it among hundreds of millions of people,…

    How to Respond to your Wife’s Complaints

    Each spouse should focus on what applies to him/her rather than focus on the responsibilities of the other

    Social Experiment in London: How did Gentiles React to Humiliated Jew

    Anti-Semitic or not - you decide: A social experiment done by two guys - One an Afro-American and the other…
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