Watch a Simulation of Healthy Lungs Functioning as Opposed to Lungs of Smokers

    If the price of cigarettes haven't persuaded you to stop smoking, maybe this clip will succeed

    Join Hidabroot’s Worldwide Outreach Operation

    Hidabroot Worldwide is currently launching new Websites and TV channels in English, French, Spanish & Russian. We are seeking employees…

    Y-Studs – The Greatest Passover

    Y-Studs A Cappella presents: "The Greatest Passover," an A Cappella Passover-cover of The Greatest Showman. Enjoy

    Dating – The Hand of Hashem

    One should never be demoralized, discouraged or disheartened in the process of seeking a shidduch. The outcome is directed by…

    WORLDWIDE EVENT: Live Broadcast from Kever Rachel this Thursday

    On the eve of the yahrtzeit of Rachel Imeinu, Hidabrut offers viewers around the world a special glimpse inside Kever…

    What’s a Nice Jewish Girl Like You Doing, Living on N.Y. Streets?

    A religious Jew from New York who had compassion on Nurit who was thrown out of her home into the…

    “Hey Soldier! Why the Uniform? Couldn’t You Wear Shabbat Clothing?”

    “Not if my mom will wash my uniform on Shabbat!”

    Music Video: Joey Newcomb – It’s Never Too Late

    Remember, Failure is a part of growth. "It's never too late to correct your mistake"

    Watch: Russian Bomber Refueling in Mid-Air – Amazing Footage

    The Russian Ministry of Defense has publicized a video showing a Russian strategic bomber T-160 carrying out a mid-air refueling…

    Yom Kippur Actually Works!

    Rabbi Nissel shows us how Yom Kippur works
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