G-d Please Open my Lips

    If you were ever dumbstruck from seeing someone famous you'll know what this means

    Watch: Incredible Footage of Animals in the Wild

    Enjoy magnificent documentation of animals in their natural habitat. Take time to appreciate the Wonders of Creation

    Islands in the Stream

    "I thought I had her pegged. And now I realize - as the sky grows dark and we only see…

    The Effect of Music on the Brain and Mind

    Music can bring a person to feel such exaltation and inner joy that he spontaneously breaks out in dance. Kabbalists…

    10 Facts About the Mighty Shimshon

    Who was Shimshon and what was his secret?

    Meet the Commentators – Maimonides

    Meet the Commentators Series with Rabbi Rashi Simon. The Life and Legacy of great Torah personalities who have shaped Jewish…

    Watch: Israeli Swat Team Forces Practice Infiltration of Terrorists and Hostages

    Israeli swat team forces practiced an exercise of terrorists infiltrating into a settlement, and a hostage situation. The exercise tested…

    We’re in Exile, What can We Do about It?

    Realize we’re in darkness far from G-d and look for the light of His closeness

    Imitating the Creator – Love & Giving

    "To be Holy is to be Kind and Giving"

    Rescued from Abusive Relationships with Arabs

    Learn and Return says, “We can save these girls. Everyone has an obligation to try and do something to save…
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