Don’t Be Afraid of Success: A Different Reading on the Story of the Spies – Rabbi YY Jacobson

    What was the calculation of the spies? What prevents us from being successful? Rabbi YY Jacobson with remarkable life lessons…

    Weekend Getaway at the Luxurious ‘Nir Etzion’ Hotel: Shabbos Shuva 14 – 15/9

    Enjoy an exciting Shabbos Retreat with Inspirational Lectures, Glatt Kosher Gourmet Meals, Extravagant Hotel Accommodations, Kids Programs, Swimming Pool and…

    Watch: Animal Brotherhood – When Animals Help the Weak

    Watch awesome footage of animals defending the weak. Must see

    Scientists Discover Why We Wake Up Stiff and Achy in the Morning 

    The body's biological clock suppresses anti-inflammatory proteins during sleep and when we get up each morning, the effects of the…

    Witness the Power of Creation: Incredible Footage of Rainstorms

    Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of G-d's creation. Wonders of Creation

    What is Prayer About – Taking or Giving?

    Some see prayer as a chance to approach God with a long list of requests. Is prayer just a self-centered,…

    The Vilna Gaon: Righteous Sins

    The pupils of the famous Sage 'The Vilna Gaon' experience a miracle at sea

    How Did this Family of Ducks Cross the Waterfall? Watch and Find Out

    Your browser doesn’t support video. Please download the file: video/mp4 Cialis avec mastercard Où acheter du viagra Le viagra est-il…

    Unity Concert in Pittsburgh – Avraham Fried, Lipa Schmeltzer & Shulem Lemmer

    Over 1500 men, women and children from all walks of life gathered in Pittsburgh for a unity concert on Sunday…

    What Side Is Best To Sleep On?

    Some scientists suggest that the left side may be the healthiest to sleep on at night. Is this true for…
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