The 7th of Adar: A Day That Will Bring the Redemption?

    Who will redeem us and how can we expedite the redemption? 9 facts about the 7th of Adar the day…

    Baruch & Chesky Leibowitz – Elokai

    Chesky and Baruch Leibowitz have teamed up with Ari Goldwag to produce a beautiful and moving song - Elokai. The…

    “Every Day I Cried to G-d: Get Me Away from My Violent Husband”

    “I thought this Arab was the most wonderful person in the world, but after I moved to his village, life…

    Wonders of Creation: One of the Most Fascinating Creatures you will Ever See

    Your browser doesn’t support video. Please download the file: video/mp4 Even, shipping businesses with management should be overnight of 20mg…

    Whose Project is it Anyway?

    Hands off, Mom - let the kids do it themselves.

    Has the Exodus from Egypt been verified by Egyptian Archaeology?

    Not many people know that the Israelite's are clearly mentioned in ancient Egypt more than 3200 years ago. Perhaps it…

    Watch: Wonders of Creation in the Depths of the Ocean

    Jelly fish, sea anemones, shells and countless other amazing creatures - Join a magical journey to the reefs. More wonders…

    8th Day: “Celebrate” – Official Music Video

    Why wait to celebrate? Enjoy another magnificent performance by 8th Day

    The Atom and the Soul of the Inanimate

    Does a Squirrel have a Soul? Does a Tree have a Soul? Does a Chair have a Soul? And What…

    The Fetus Sees and Feels – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    The Sages had an oral tradition that a fetus has a special sense and knowledge of the world around it.…
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