The Effect of Colors on the Human Psyche – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    What color are you particularly drawn to? What does that imply about you? Why is green the color of the…

    Morning Prayers for Beginners – Edot Hamizrach

    This is a shortened prayer for beginners including the morning blessings, shema and the amidah (the silent prayer)

    A Stranger Pays a Poor Man’s Debt

    Then he sets him up his own successful business.

    Spectacular Lightning Storm Lights Up Australian Skies – Watch

    The stormy conditions in Kimberley, Australia were a welcome change from a severe heatwave that has plagued the region. Wonders…

    Watch: Underground Ballistic Missile Launchers of Houthi Rebels in Yemen

    The underground launch facilities will make it difficult for the Saudi-led coalition to hit the Houthi ballistic missiles launched towards…

    Watch a Simulation of Healthy Lungs Functioning as Opposed to Lungs of Smokers

    If the price of cigarettes haven't persuaded you to stop smoking, maybe this clip will succeed

    Unlocking G-d’s Blessing

    In this short clip, Rabbi Meyer Yedid gives us the key to unlocking the blessing G-d is waiting to shower…

    Shocking Video: Candies Without Kashrut Certification May Contain Pig!

    If you buy candies in the market without kashrut certification because “What can there already be in a candy?!”, guess…

    Jewish Unity: Are We Still One People? – Rabbi YY Jacobson

    How you are making a difference for Jewish Unity today?

    Boruch Levine & Simcha Leiner: Ashreinu by Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz

    How should we respond to the recent events in Pittsburgh and attacks in Southern Israel? How should we respond any…
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