New study: Excessive Use of Social Media Causes Loneliness

    Can social media help people dispel their loneliness? A new study shows that not only is social media not the…

    Smile: A Cappella Video by Ari Goldwag

    Ari Goldwag and friends return for another enjoyable a cappella music video. Produced by Ari Goldwag in conjunction with Aderet…

    Wonders of Creation: Rainbows in the Sky

    After the Flood, G-d promised that He would never make a flood again that would destroy the world. He created…

    A Baal Teshuva is like an Immigrant (Part two)

    We can discuss the 5 stages they both go through in more depth

    Parenting: “Here’s a gift for Your Beautiful Baby”

    A baby with a cleft pallet is still beautiful

    Avraham Fried, Yonatan Razel, Ishay Ribo & Ariel Zilber Rehearse for Concert

    Four musical giants rehearsing for an upcoming concert. Magical

    Watch: Cat Stuck on the Western Wall Rescued

    Worshipers at the Western Wall spotted a cat stranded high above the men's prayer plaza. Watch the original rescue operation

    Reading The Map Correctly – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

    When a person reads the map wrongly, he doesn't understand how to respond to various situations. In the end he…

    Watch: Compassion of Animals

    Even animals are compassionate to each other. Watch animals of all kinds helping others in desperate need

    Purim: New York Boys Choir – Hipil Pur

    Choir Produced & Directed by Yitzy Bald
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