Nafshi – Shulem Lemmer & Shulem Brodt with the Yedidim Choir

    Enjoy this heartfelt performance of "Nafshi" by Shulem Lemmer and child soloist Shulem Brodt. Song Originally recorded by Ishay Ribo…

    48 Ways to Love and Be Loved

    Rabbi Noach Weinberg, the rosh yeshiva of Aish Hatorah, explains the 48 ways to attain wisdom from ancient Jewish sources,…

    Watch: Stunning Leopard Jump

    Skill patience and devotion – that's how the leopard caught its prey. Nothing is too difficult or dangerous, for a…

    CHAZAQ’s Historic Life Changing Campaign is LIVE!!

    Let’s get together and help CHAZAQ continue changing the lives of our community from A to Z

    Slime; Is It a Healthy Thing for Your Children to Play With?

    The Ministry of Health doesn’t think so

    Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein Addresses the UN General Assembly – Watch

    Rabbi Goldstein's message to the Nations of the World: "All of you here have been given the opportunity by G-d…

    My Down Syndrome Twin Daughters are the Greatest!

    I still can’t figure out why the doctor said “I’m sorry” when he told me they have Down’s syndrome

    Avraham – Reacting to Success and Failure

    Avraham reacted to success without letting it affect his humility or hinder his service of HaShem, yet how did Avraham…

    The Place Where They Belong: New Release by Abie Rotenberg & Boruch Levine

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    Failure to act

    Healing emotional neglect
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