The Guide for a Successful Marriage

    Invest in your spouse and appreciate your spouse's investment in you

    Holocaust Survivors Discovered Over 500 Relatives

    Alex Kafri believed he and his sister were the only ones left from their family until recently

    Oldest Man in America Wears Tefillin

    "As long as the candle is burning there is still time to work and repair."

    Saved by A Dream

    Shimon Lugassi a sharpshooter in the "Protective Edge campaign was saved unharmed from a mortar that fell on his battalion.…

    Drinking Water: What are the Benefits?

    Besides not dehydrating there are many other benefits too

    The Positive and Negative Aspects of the Colors

    Every color represents a good and effective root, provided that the person does not use it in a negative way

    “A Taxi Driver Returned My Jewelry”

    It was worth tens of thousands of shekels

    What is the True Meaning of Modesty? Watch

    What does it mean to be modest according to Judaism? Rabbi Burg elaborates. Brought to you by the Drops of…

    Is It Best to Sin and Repent or to Have Been Righteous One’s Whole Life?

    And its corollary: since the Sages say that those who repent get a special place in heaven, is it better…

    Watch: Wonders of Creation – Blossoms Flowering in Slow Motion

    More Wonders of Creation: Amazing processes occur daily, under our noses. See one of them, and don't forget to thank…
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