Tonight the 19th of Kislev is the Yorhrzeit of the Maggid of Mezritch

    10 facts about this illustrious leader of the Hassidic movement

    These Days are an Opportunity, Don’t Let Them Slip By!

    Ten points about the precious “Shovavim” days.

    The Shabbat Project 2019: Message from Chief Rabbi Goldstein

    Enter Hidabroot's lottery and win a weekend retreat with Hidabroot's favorite lecturers. Don't miss out! Come together to celebrate and…

    10 Facts About Yehudah the Maccabee

    One of the greatest warriors in Jewish history

    Hareini: New Release by Benny Friedman – Lyric Video

    "Veohavta L'reiacha Kamocha' - Love your neighbor as you love yourself'

    Payday Will Come

    You just need to wait a little bit longer but it's worth it

    Young, Pregnant, Anxious and Depressed

    Being a young mother having a 3rd child seemed overwhelming

    Watch: A Two-Headed Tortoise Spotted in a Field of Flowers

    Watch this sweet, two-headed turtle, as it eats away in a field full of flowers

    Watch: Adam Sandler & Howard Stern Sing Torah Blessing Together

    May they merit to understand the true meaning of this holy and meaningful blessing. It is intersting to note, that…

    Love For a Moment and then What?

    Don't look for unnecessary relationships, wait for the real deal, wait until you're married
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