Candle-Lighting Times: September 21, 2018 | Tishrei 12, 5779 – Parshat Haazinu

    Shabbat Times for Major Cities Around the World: September 21, 2018 | Tishrei 12, 5779 - Parshat Haazinu

    Solar Panels and Spiritual Light

    Moses nullified himself before the Creator of the Universe – clearing away any “color or shade” of his own –…

    Life After Life – 4: Ghostly Phenomena

    Hitchhikers who Vanish or A Dead Man that Comes to Save the Life of a Relative. Ghostly Phenomena!

    My Husband Wears a Mask All Year Round

    Why do we create a mask? What does it mean when a person acts one way outside and totally different…

    A Woman’s Honor: The Gates of Livelihood – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Married men who are looking for a way out of their financial problems don’t realize that the problems stem from…

    Archaeology Discovers The Upheaval of Sodom and Gomorrah

    Today, anyone who passes by the Dead Sea can see clearly how the place was turned upside down. The mountains…

    Torah and science – Astronomy: the moon’s renewal

    In this section we demonstrate how the latest knowledge of astronomy coincides perfectly with that which our Rabbis taught over…

    I Went Off the Cliff in My Van

    There’s no natural way to explain surviving this.

    “My Doctors Gave Me Only 5 Years to Live”

    ‘But I found a natural cure with G-d’s help’

    The Mother / Daughter-in-law Conflict

    One of the most important topics that must be considered, especially during the first years of marriage, is how a…
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