What Does ‘Shema Yisrael’ Mean? Why is it so Central in Judaism?

    7 facts about Shema Yisrael a basic concept of Judaism

    Sugar Also Causes Mental Illness

    And you thought it only made you fat

    Raising Hair (and Some Funds)

    We were dedicated mothers volunteering for a mission

    The Rubashkin Story: Uniting a Nation with Faith – Watch

    A moving video shown at the 1st anniversary celebration for Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin recounts the worldwide effort to help him…

    Nishmati: David Taub – Official Music Video

    Enjoy David Taub's new release

    “Bnei Anousim” Returning To Their Faith Around The Globe

    With the help of Shavei Yisrael, an organization founded to help lost Jews return to their people and faith, numerous…

    Traveling on a Cruise Ship over Shabbat

    May one travel on a cruise ship over Shabbat? Can one get off a ship that has docked on Shabbat?

    ‘A Second Chance’ – By Rabbi Yoel Gold featuring Baruch Levine & Shimi Weitzhandler

    G-d believes in our ability to become great and therefore gives us a second chance. Embrace the opportunity this Rosh…

    Praying for Heaven’s Sake

    Sincere prayer in this manner gets results, but it has to really be sincere

    The Jerusalem Biblical Zoo Just Opened its Amazing Aquarium

    See thousands of fish and coral reef creatures
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