Japanese Men Sing Carlebach’s Barcheinu Avinu with Rabbi Benny Lau

    Japanese Men from the Makuya movement Sing Shlomo Carlebach's Barcheinu Avinu. The Makuya movement is a group of fervent lovers…

    Candle-Lighting Times: August 31, 2018 | Elul 20, 5778 – Parshat Ki Tavo

    Shabbat Times for Major Cities Around the World: August 31, 2018 | Elul 20, 5778 - Parshat Ki Tavo

    “You Remind Me of my Son That Died in Iraq”

    Now I knew why the policeman stopped me…

    Be Prepared

    It’s more than a Boy Scouts motto; it’s the Jewish way to live

    How Far Must You Go To Forgive Someone?

    Rabbi David Battelman went especially out of his way to forgive

    The Baal Hatanya’s Yohrzeit

    10 facts about the Baal Hatanya in honor of his Yohrzeit, today

    Women to Know: Chaya Fishman, founder of The Jewish Woman Entrepreneur

    Women don’t realize that the woman sitting next to them has business savvy

    ACTIVITÉS HIDABROUT. SECTION “Chalom Bayit: Paix au sein du foyer”.

    Plus de 5000 appels pour demande d’assistance, qui ont débouché sur la prise en charge de 3500 couples en difficulté…

    Yosef – The Fourth Forefather

    While Yosef was one of the twelve tribes, he also seems to play a more significant role than his brothers…
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