The Rules of the Game

    Life is a house of mirrors where you can bump your head

    What Did Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach Say at His Wife’s Funeral?

    Rabbi Auerbach reveales an amazing secret about a person’s psyche: If one wants something to really penetrate and reach another…

    Are You Always Cold During the Winter?

    These 4 things may be the cause

    The Universe is Finely Tuned

    Every constant and quantity discovered by scientists make the universe something that could only be fine tuned

    Lessons to Take Home from Lag BaOmer

    What do we learn from Rabbi Shimon?

    Yismechu: Martin Widerker Hosts Cantor Yakov Motzen

    The arrangement of "Yismechu V'malchut'cha" was written by pianist Menachem Bristowski, joined by the keyboardist Dvir Cohen and his band,…

    Fly Geyser – Incredible Spectacle in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert

    The Fly Geyser is the result of man-made drilling in 1916, when water well drilling accidentally penetrated a geothermal source.…

    Second choice

    It was not the carriage of her dreams

    ‘Hatov’ by Yonatan Razel

    Lyrics: "You are the Beneficent One, for Your mercies have not ceased. You are the Merciful, for Your kindnesses have…
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