Overcoming Internet Addiction with G-d

    This video is for those who already realize they are addicted to the internet. If you're not sure you should…

    What Keeps Us From Becoming Great?

    We do it to ourselves but how?

    Rescued from Abusive Relationships with Arabs

    Learn and Return says, “We can save these girls. Everyone has an obligation to try and do something to save…

    The Secret to Success… in Just One Word

    At Moe's Hometalk office they discussed this secret and you can have it too

    Spiritual Wellness – Rule A: Understanding Suffering

    The main cause of all mental breakdowns is the feeling of powerlessness and inability to cope with prolonged suffering or…

    Brainwashed – The Proper Attitude towards Misused Words

    Brainwashed - The Proper Attitude towards Misused Words Words really mean something

    The 10th Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know

    Only the Torah has any compelling historical source that makes it authentic and documents its divinity

    Returning to Judaism in the Galilee: Sparks of Jewish Life in the Ben Ami Village

    You are invited to an unusual journey: A Shabbat in the Ben Ami village in the Galilee. A talk with…

    The Priestly Blessing at the Grave of Aharon HaKohen in Jordan – Watch

    An exciting trip in Jordan culminated with a prayer and Birkat Kohanim (the Priestly Blessing) beside the tombstone of the…

    Even If We Don’t Understand

    We have a relationship with G-d and a relationship means trust
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