Harnessing Our Gift of Imagination – R. Yemima Mizrachi
Why is marriage so difficult to adjust to in modern times
The Admor of Belz Composes a Joyous Song in Honor of His Grandson’s Wedding
More than an hour of energetic dancing: Watch one of the highlights of the latest Belz wedding. The Rebbe and…
Jewish Law in Israel
A few more court cases like this and the messiah will come!
Tehillim – Psalms for Tuesday
Tehillim (The Book of Psalms) for Tuesday, divided into daily portions. Tuesday Psalms: Chapters 51 – 72
Rare Footage: The Western Wall a Century Ago on Tisha B’av
Tisha B'Av at the Western Wall - Rare footage from the the year 1909. A Jew sits on the ground…
Even When You’re Not in Your Comfort Zone, I’m Always with You”
So we should keep on growing and not lose hope
Teachings of the Baal Shem Tov
Rav Yisrael ben Eliezer, known to chassidim as the “Holy Ba’al Shem Tov,” the founder and leader of the chassidic…
A Total Turnaround- If I Can Do It You Can Too!
“One Hanukkah I was divorced, really overweight and hopeless and crying; the next Hanukkah I was happily remarried”
Recette Pour Pourim : Oreilles d’Haman particulièrement riches.
Appréciez cette recette qui apparait standard mais au gout riche et délicieux.