Watch: Even Monkeys Enjoy Eating Matzah

    Two weeks before Passover the monkeys at the Ramat Gan Zoo in Israel change over to eating matzah instead of…

    Kol Haneshoma – With Every Breath by Avi Kutner

    Composed and performed by Avi Kutner in honor of his son's birth. Enjoy

    Intermarriage and Judaism – Points to Ponder

    Food for thought on Marrying Jewish by Ollie Anisfeld & J-TV

    Yaakov Shwekey – ALEPH BAIS GIMMEL

    Composed By Yitzy Waldner. Concept By Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin

    Why Do Arab Men Like to Marry Jewish Girls?

    Listen to an Arab man answer this troubling question

    10 Facts About the Mighty Shimshon

    Who was Shimshon and what was his secret?

    The Unwanted Daughter

    Inessa’s struggle to survive. "My childhood was punctuated by several open miracles"

    Yaakov Shwekey: Rabi Nehorai – Official Remix

    Lyrics: "Rabi Nehorai says I put aside all the occupations in the world and I teach my son only Torah"

    Every bit as evil

    A researcher uncovers the shocking extent to which german women played a role in the holocaust and how they got…

    “Every Day I Cried to G-d: Get Me Away from My Violent Husband”

    “I thought this Arab was the most wonderful person in the world, but after I moved to his village, life…
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