Wonders of Creation: Short Clips that will Amaze You

    A bird with amazing fishing skills, smart ants who help one another, surfing with dolphins and more. Must see

    Tehillim – Psalms for Tuesday

    Tehillim (The Book of Psalms) for Tuesday, divided into daily portions. Tuesday Psalms: Chapters 51 – 72

    Walking the Tightrope of Coexistence

    Can the Muezzin Law be modified to make everyone happy?

    The Anniversary of the Holy Ohr Hachaim’s Passing

    The "Ohr Hachaim" commentary and its author won the admiration of all Torah scholars, but especially those from the chassidic…

    Educating Our Young: Creating Harmony in the Home

    How parents relate to each other has a significant effect on how their children relate to one another and, later,…

    God is Black

    The very highest aspect of the unifying Creator of all universes is ultimately a quiet blackness

    “White Privilege”

    Idan is albino and he has what to say about how people accept other people who are different

    Rabbi YY Jacobson: Quarantine Theory for Dummies – How We Can Curtail COVID-19

    Rabbi YY Jacobson gives a very clear and simple explanation for the necessity of being careful and to listen to…

    How Can we Make Spirituality more Accessible? – Rabbi Akiva Tatz

    How can you become a person of great moral character? What is the key to becoming a more humble individual?…

    I Live in a Never Ending Weekend Retreat

    Since becoming religious, David Sidon and his family found happiness on a farm in the Upper Galilee
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