How to Fight the Evil Inclination

    Differences and similarities between conventional wars and the war against the evil inclination

    Gorgeous Butterfly Camouflaged as a Leaf – Wonders of Creation

    It looks like an innocent butterfly until it reveals its true colors. Must see

    Genetic continuity of Cohanim

    A most Amazing Revelation regarding the Authenticity of Kehunah (Priesthood) Dating back to Biblical Days, Based on Genetic Research

    Selichot – Edot HaMizrach

    Edot HaMizrach, Jews from Eastern and oriental countries (Sfardim) start reciting Selichot (Prayers for forgiveness) from the beginning of Elul.…

    A Day in the Life of a Sea Cucumber

    How a Sea Cucumber catches its food, why it fights with such guts and who has time for a 'fight'…

    You Have a 1 Inch Tumor On Your Bladder

    Ephraim heard the news and was devastated

    BBC Anti-Semitism Strikes Again!

    Friday night’s terror attach was “3 Palestinians killed after fatal stabbing in Jerusalem”, those poor ‘innocent’ Palestinians get the BBC…

    Rabbi Gifter Always Bought His Wife Flowers for her Birthday Even when he was Wheelchair Bound

    Even when it was difficult he made sure he bought her flowers for her birthday before Yom Kippur

    How did The Righteous Merit Lighting up the World with Their Torah?

    Rabbi Shteinman’s answer will surprise you.

    Gentle Persuasion

    Love of all yidden
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