O SHABAT – Visitando o “Palácio do Rei” – 1

    Shabat Kodesh - Parte 1: Introdução

    “Everyone Deserves A Chance To Improve”- The Work Of A College Rabbi at Hermon Prison

    At the Hermon rehabilitative correctional facility, the goal is to give the prisoners their life back again. The prisoners in…

    Loving Your Children Equally

    Playing favorites is bad for your children, unconditional love is what they need

    The Easy Way to Remove a Splinter

    A resourceful mother relieves her daughter’s pain with a brilliant idea

    “Bad news: There’s No Heartbeat”

    Einat was sad to find out she had just lost her baby. Or did she?

    Watch: Rubik’s Cube Pro in Action

    See how this teenager excels in blindfolded ‘speed-cubing’. Incredible

    Dance with Neginah ft. Simcha Leiner

    Sung by Simcha Leiner, music by Neginah Orchestra. Songs: Hashem Yelachem - Avraham Fried, Meraked - Simcha Leiner, Halevai -…

    Murder at Chabad of Poway: A Bullet in the Soul of America – Rabbi YY Jacobson

    Powerful and inspirational remarks by Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson at the "Peace & Unity Gathering" in response to the terror attack…

    6 Natural Allergy Remedies

    Are you suffering from seasonal allergies? Try out these natural remedies that can provide you with the relief you’re looking…
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