Yaakov Shwekey: ’Your Time’ – Music Video

    "THIS IS YOUR TIME, So go and grab the moment, face the world and show it". Enjoy another classic from…

    Get Unstuck!

    Don’t let life pass by waiting for something to happen, you make it happen

    Watch: Yonatan Razel Performes by “Shir Lama’alot”

    Your browser doesn’t support video. Please download the file: video/mp4 Ce logo est en cours de création par la Commission…

    Life in the fast lane

    Would I ever be able to crack the code to “in-town” living?

    The Secret of Love

    Why did G-d create love?

    What are the Implications of Changing your Name?

    Let’s consider the dilemma a person faces when he discovers his parents have given him an inappropriate name. A name…

    Police Anti-Semitism in Paris France, Shame on Them

    Paris Police are ‘on the lookout for Jews who steal chickens before Yom Kippur’

    Shabbat – Resting the Way God Rests

    It is essential to develop an understanding of the idea of 'rest' that is so central to this holy day.…

    Life After Life – 4: Ghostly Phenomena

    Hitchhikers who Vanish or A Dead Man that Comes to Save the Life of a Relative. Ghostly Phenomena!

    The Jewish Home: A Place of Comfort – R. Yemima Mizrachi

    Our homes must be places of comfort. We lock the doors. We lock the windows. Life has become so frightening.…
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