Having a Large Family
Many couples these days experience doubts when it comes to having more children. They fear that additional children will create…
Fragments of my past
It’s heartbreaking watching my father dole out the past with no genuinely interested takers
If You Are Connnected, You are Disconnected
A story about smartphones
It’s Hard for Me to Move Around But I Can Be Kind to Others
If you want to be kind, G-d will send you opportunities to be kind
Watch: Did You Know a Lemon could Save Lives?
If you are stuck on a trip at night and there is no one to rescue you, you may need…
The Most Creative Way to Open a Gate – Watch
Gone Viral: Brilliant Design
Life After Death: Death is Not the End – Rabbi Zamir Cohen
“I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that life continues after physical death,”
Mika and Ali: From Poverty to Romance to Nightmare
Part one: poverty and romance
Tehillim – Psalms for Friday
Tehillim (The Book of Psalms) for Friday, divided into daily portions. Friday Psalms: Chapters 107 – 119
Enjoy a Passover Inspired Delicious Salad
Based on the Charoses it is chock full of healthy and delicious ingredients guaranteed to liven up your meals