Nafshi – Shulem Lemmer & Shulem Brodt with the Yedidim Choir
Enjoy this heartfelt performance of "Nafshi" by Shulem Lemmer and child soloist Shulem Brodt. Song Originally recorded by Ishay Ribo…
Domestic Peace Means Understanding Your Spouse’s World
When you think of what your spouse is going through you’ll empathize and connect
10 Facts About Gaon of Vilna
According to his son’s testimony, the Gra intended to create a new Code of Jewish Law that would decide all…
Teachings of Rav Moshe Chaim Efraim of Sudilkov
A grandson of the Ba’al Shem Tov and the author of “Degel Machaneh Efraim.”
Love your Children with all your Senses – R. Yemima Mizrachi
What is a child’s very first need when he is born? "Your child’s physical needs are almost petty when it…
Young, Pregnant, Anxious and Depressed
Being a young mother having a 3rd child seemed overwhelming
Can the Venom of the Deadly Green Mamba Snake Save Failing Kidneys?
A French study found that the venom of the green mamba an especially deadly African snake the Green Mamba can…
A Masterclass in True Happiness
We all have the tools to reach true happiness
Unbelievable Footage: Frog Swallows a Firefly
Have you ever seen a frog swallow a firefly? This is how it looks
Why are Jews So Obsessed with Details?
Isn't it overdoing it a bit?