Women to know: Leaving the church was not a simple choice

    I never looked at what I lost, I was doing it for what I really wanted

    Are you a slave?

    The path to freedom starts inside each of us

    Devotion in Marriage – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Devotion to one’s wife does not find expression only in the marriage vows, but also to remain at her side…

    2000 Years Ago They Kept Kosher

    Archaeological digging in ancient Jerusalem refuse dumps shows people in Jerusalem ate kosher…

    King David

    After the death of Saul and his sons, David was anointed king of Judah and began the Davidic dynasty that…

    Candle-Lighting Times: August 24, 2018 – Parshat Ki Tetzei

    Shabbat Times for Major Cities Around the World: August 24, 2018 - Parshat Ki Tetzei

    Sensitivity Towards Your Fellow Man – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    It is important to emphasize that while one is taking care of his physical health, he must be careful not…

    What did Rabbi Kanievsky Answer when Asked when the Messiah would Come?

    Two Jews from the United States came to the home of the Great Torah Sage Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, presenting themselves…

    Dazzling Proof: A Torah Scroll Parchment Served as the Wrapping for the Nazi Officer’s Certificate

    More than 60 years ago, a Nazi officer entered a synagogue in Lithuania, and nonchalantly ripped a piece from an…

    Yoeli Klein – Levakesh Rachamim

    The original song was composed by Shlomo Carlebach with the moving words from a prayer recited on the High Holidays
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